Rain Garden Maintenance: Keep Your Garden Gorgeous

Rain gardens can stay gorgeous for years if you maintain them well.

Learn how by attending this FREE event on June 15th from 12 p.m.-2 p.m. at the East Columbia 50+ Center.

In the first portion of the event, we will explore basics of stormwater management, rain gardens, and (briefly) rain barrels as well as ways that you can receive financial incentives for your projects through presentations by the University of Maryland Extension and Howard County Government. After the presentations, a panel of experts, including local landscapers, the Columbia Association Watershed Manager, and a well-versed resident with a rain garden will respond to a series of prepared questions to help address questions about garden maintenance. We will also provide opportunities for Q&A with the speakers and panelists so that you can make the most out of this experience.

Lunch will be provided thanks to the generosity of the 50+ Center, but donations are requested.

We have a limited number of spaces available, so please RSVP here by June 8 if you plan to attend.

Contact jcostantino@howardcountymd.gov with any questions about the event.

Resources from the Event:

Thanks for a great day, everyone! See below for the presentations that were offered and a transcription of the panel questions and answers.

Presentation 1: Rain Garden Maintenance and Stormwater Management Basics

Presentation 2: Rain Garden Financial Incentives and Resources Available to You

Panel Transcription